۱-طباطبايي شوريجه ب “تاثير روش “نمره ي باز” بر پيشرفت تحصيلي دانش آموزان پسر در درس رياضي2 سال دوم رشته ي تجربي شهر گراش ” چهاردهمين کنفرانس آموزش رياضي ايران (1395) |
۲-طباطبايي شوريجه ب “جبر توپليتز يک گروه برهمکنش ” هفدهمين سمينار رياضي وکاربردهاي آن (1385) |
۳-طباطبايي شوريجه ب ” تبعات منفي عدم وجود سوال در کلاس، ” ششمين کنفرانس آموزش رياضي کشور، (1381) |
۴-طباطبايي شوريجه ب ” آب کم جو تشنگي اور بدست، ” سمينار منطقه اي زمينه هاي اموزش رياضيات، (1380) |
۵-طباطبايي شوريجه ب ” رياضيات و علوم انساني، ” اولين همايش نقش و جايگاه رياضيات در علوم انساني و پزشکي، (1379) |
۶-طباطبايي شوريجه ب ” نظري اجمالي بر روشهاي جاري آموزش رياضي، ” پنجمين کنفرانس اموزش رياضي ايران، (1379) |
۷-طباطبايي شوريجه ب “رياضيات و آموزش، ” کنفرانس بين المللي رياضيات براي همه، (1379) |
۸-طباطبايي شوريجه ب “درس جلسه اول، ” دومين کنفرانس آموزش رياضي کشور (1376) |
۹-طباطبايي شوريجه ب ” رياضيات دبيرستاني هم کاربردهاي عملي و زيبا فراوان دارد، ” بيست و هفتمين کنفرانس رياضي کشور، (1375) |
۱۰-طباطبايي شوريجه ب “به مسائل رياضيات عمومي دقيق تر نگاه کنيم، ” بيست و پنجمين کنفرانس رياضي کشور، (1373) |
11-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “On Pre-graded C*-algebras ” The 22th Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and It’s Applications (2017) |
12-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Partial representations of S versus representations of Pr(S) ” The 3rd Seminar on Operator Theory and its Applications (2017) |
13-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Cross-sectional C*-algebras of C*-algebraic bundles ” The 4th Seminar on Functional Analysis and its Applications (2016) |
14-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “some C*-algebraic results on expansion of semigroups ” 46th annual Iranian mathematics conference (2015) |
15-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B, Zebarjad S “A new look to the tight representations of a semilattice ” The 44th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (2013) |
16-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “THE UNIVERSAL INVERSE SEMIGROUP ASSOCIATED TO AN INVERSE SEMIGROUP ” Extended Abstracts of the 20th Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications (2012) |
17-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B, Esmaily S “ETALE GROUPOID OF INVERSE SEMIGROUP ” Extended Abstracts of the 20th Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications (2012) |
18-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Twisted partial actions on C*-algebras ” 43rd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (2012) |
20-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “C*-Algebras of Integral Domain ” 42th.AIMC (2011) |
21-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B, Jokar dehooi A “Actions of Topological inverse semigroups ” 19th.Analysis Seminar On Analysis and ita applications (2011) |
22-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B, Esmaily S “C*-Algebra of Groupoids ” 19th.Analysis Seminar On Analysis and ita applications (2011) |
23-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “New C*-Algebra From The Old One ” 19th.Analysis Seminar on analysis and its applications (2011) |
24-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B, Jokar A “Crossed products of E-unitary inverse semigroups ” 41th Iranian Internastional Conference on Math (2010) |
25-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Enveloping Actions of Partial Actions on C* Algebras ” 41th Iranian Internastional Conference on Math (2010) |
26-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Partial Isometries In Applied Functional Analysis ” 4th Iranian Conference on Applied Math (2010) |
27-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B, Akrami R “The Role Of Basic Algebra In Advanced Analysis ” 40th.AIMC. (2009) |
28-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Relation Between Some Algebraic Partial Crossed Products ” 40th.AIMC. (2009) |
29-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “The regular representation of inverse semigroups ” 18th Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its applications (2009) |
30-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Tight Representations of Semilattices ” 39th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (2008) |
31-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “An inverse semigroup which is a semilattice ” 17th seminar of mathematical analysis and its applications (2008) |
32-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Pre-grading structure of the C*-algebra of an E’tale groupoid ” 17th seminar of mathematical analysis and its applications (2008) |
33-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Topological Action of a Unital Inverse Semigroup ” 16th.Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its application (2007) |
34-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Non-Hausdorff E’Tale Groupoids and their C*-algebras ” 38th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference (2007) |
35-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Strong Associativity of a Group Algebra and Topologically Free Action of a Unital Inverse Semigroup ” 37th AIMC (2006) |
36-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “The Partial Group C*-Algebra of a Group ” 35th.AIMC (2005) |
37-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Actions of Inverse Semigroups and Graded C*-Algebras ” 14th. Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its applications (2004) |
38-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Partial C*-Crossed Products ” The first Dynamical Systems Workshop (2002) |
39-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Classification of Semi-Crossed Product of C*-Algebras ” 33rd.AIMC (2002) |
40-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “C*-algebra of the amenable semigroup N+ and the reduced C*-algebra of (Z+.Z+), ” 12th.Mathematical Analysis Seminar and its application, (2002) |
41-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “A survey of crossed products of C*-algebra II ” the first workshop on C*-algebra(as invited speaker) (2001) |
42-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “A comparison betwween C*(N+) and the reduced C*-algebra of N+, ” 11th. Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its applications (2001) |
43-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B ” Role of Functional Calculus ” The second Iranian Seminar on Linear Algebra (2001) |
44-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “The representaion of Z+.Z+ and its reduced C*-algebra ” 32nd. AIMC (2001) |
45-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B ” The reduced C*-algebra of N+ and its quotient algebra ” 31st. AIMC (2000) |
46-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “The representation of N+ and its full C*-algebra ” 10th Mathematical Analysis Seminar (2000) |
47-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “A K-theoretic approach to some C*-algebras ” 29th. AIMC (1998) |
48-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “A finite but not stably finite C*-algebra II ” the Comm.Cong.Dr.Mosahab& ninth Annal.Seminar (1998) |
49-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “A finite but not stably finite C*-algebra I ” 8th. Mathematical Analysis Seminar (1997) |
50-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “The tracial logarithm and Automorphisms ” 28th.AIMC (1997) |
51-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “The way automorphism of the irrational rotation algebras behave at a K-theoretic level ” 27th.AIMC (1996) |
52-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “The Irratinol Rotation C*-Algebras ” 26th.AIMC (1995) |
53-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “A survey of Crossed Products of C*-algebras ” 25th. AIMC (1994) |
54-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “C*-algebra of Z+ and its quotient algebra ” 24th AIMC (1993) |
55-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Ideals of the C*-algebra generated by an isometry ” 23rd AIMC (1993) |
56-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Minimal ideal of a C*-algebra of a commutative separative semigroup ” Sُixth Mathematical Analysis Seminar (1992) |
57-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “The role of partial isometries in defining a C*-algebra ” 22nd AIMC (1991) |
58-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “C*-algebra of semigroups I ” 5th. Analysis Seminar (1990) |
59-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “C*-algebras of some semigroups ” 21st. AIMC (1990) |
60-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “The reduced C*-algebra of a commutative separative semigroup ” 20th.AIMC (1989) |
61-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “Partial Representations of S and Representations of C*p(S ” the 45th annual Iranian mathematics conference (1393) |
62-Tabatabaie Shourijeh B “partial actions of G versus actions of Pr(G ) ” چهل و چهارمين کنفرانس رياضي (1392) |