فهرست بستن

عبدالکریم هدایتیان

کارنامه آموزشي و پژوهشي
نام : عبدالکريم
نام خانوادگي : هدايتيان
سال تولد : 1339
وضعيت تاهل : متاهل
مدرک تحصيلي : Ph.D
سال استخدام : 1373
مرتبه علمي : استاد
بخش : رياضي
دانشکده : علوم
آدرس :
تلفن :
تلفن همراه :
پست الکترونيک : hedayati@shirazu.ac.ir

مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات علمي (46)
2- Salehi M, Hedayatian K (2020) On higher order selfadjoint operators Linear Algebra and its Applications 587:358-386
3- Mohammadi Moghaddam A, Hedayatian K (2019) On the dynamics of the $d$-tuples of $m$-isometries Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 49:283-305
4- Hedayatian K, Mohammadi Moghaddam A (2018) Some properties of the spherical m-isometries JOURNAL OF OPERATOR THEORY 79:55-77
5- Hedayatian K, Karimi L (2018) supercyclicity of convex operators Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 58:81-89
6- Ansari M, Khani Robati B, Hedayatian K (2018) On the density and transitivity of sets of operators TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 42:181-189
7- Ansari M, Hedayatian K, Khani Robati B, Moradi A (2018) A Note on Topological and Strict Transitivity Science 42:59-64
8- Faghih-Ahmadi M, Yarmahmoodi S, Hedayatian K (2017) Perturbation of (m,p)-isometries by nilpotent operators and their supercyclicity Operators and Matrices 0:381-387
9- Moradi A, Khani Robati B, Hedayatian K (2017) Non-Weakly Supercyclic Classes of Weighted Composition Operators on Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 24:227-241
10- Yarmahmoodi S, Hedayatian K (2016) Isometric N-Jordan weighted shift operators Turkish Journal of Mathematics 40:1-4
11- Hedayatian K, Yarmahmoodi S (2016) power regularity of isometric N-Jordan operators Honam Mathematical Journal 38:317-323
12- Karimi L, Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K (2016) Some properties of concave operators Turkish journal of mathematics 40:1211-1220
13- Hedayatian K (2015) N-supercyclicity of an A-m-isometry Honam Mathematical Journal 37:281-285
15- Soltani R, Hedayatian K, Khani Robati B (2015) On Supercyclicity of Tuples of Operators Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 38:1507-1516
16- Hedayatian K, Faghih-Ahmadi M (2015) Cyclic convolution operators on the Hardy spaces Bulletin of the Belgian mathematical society 22:291-298
17- Hedayatian K (2014) supercyclicity of paranormal operators International journal of mathematical Archive 5:159-161
18- Hedayatian K (2014) A remark on the multiplier of function spaces International journal of mathematical Archive 5:166-168
19- Hedayatian K, Faghih-Ahmadi M (2014) supercyclic vectors of certain unilateral weighted backward shift International Journal of Mahtematical Archive 5:48-50
20- Hedayatian K (2013) Mazur-Ulam theorem and two-isometric maps International Journal of Mathemtical Arcive 4:132-133
21- Hedayatian K (2013) On concave operators in finite dimensional spaces International Journal of Mathematical Archive 4:104-105
22- Hedayatian K (2013) On noncyclic vectors for certain backward shifts International Journal of Mathematical Archive 4:89-91
23- Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K (2013) m-isometric weighted shifts and reflexivity of some operators Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 43:123-133
24- Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K (2013) commutants and hyper-reflexivity of multiplication operators Turkish Journal of Mathematics 37:483-489
25- Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K (2012) On similarity of powers of shift operators Turkish Journal of Mathematics 36:596-600
26- Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K (2012) Hypercyclicity and supercyclicity of m- isometric operators ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, ISI 42:15-23
27- Hedayatian K (2012) On isometries of the subspaces of Dirichlet space among the multiplication operators International Journal of Mathematical Archive 3:3142-3144
28- Hedayatian K (2012) commutant of the direct sum of multiplication operators International Journal of Mathematical Archive 3:2889-2892
29- Yarmahmoodi S, Hedayatian K, Yousefi B (2011) supercyclicity and hypercyclicity of an isometry plus a nilpotent Abstract and applied analysis 686832:1-11
30- Hedayatian K (2011) A Remark on Invariant subspaces of Index One in $p^{t}(\mu$-Spaces International Journal of Mathemtical Arcive 2:1-5
31- Soltani R, Khani Robati B, Hedayatian K (2011) Hypercyclic tuples of the adjoint of the weighted composition operators Turkish Journal of Mathematics 35:1-11
32- KAMALI Z, Khani Robati B, Hedayatian K (2011) Cyclicity of the adjoint of weighted composition operators on the Hilbert space of analytic functions Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 136:551-563
33- Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K (2010) On Reflexivity of Hyponormal and Weighted shift Operators Acta Mathematica Scientia 30:1100-1104
34- KAMALI Z, Hedayatian K, Khani Robati B (2010) Non-weakly supercyclic weighted composition operators Abstract and Applied Analysis 2010:1-14
35- Hedayatian K (2009) Some Properties of Shift Operators on Banach Spaces of Formal Power Series Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 25:253-258
36- Hedayatian K, Karimi L (2009) On cocvexity of composition and multiplication operators on weighted Hardy spaces Abstract and Applied Analysis 931020:1-9
37- Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K (2008) supercyclicity of two-isometry Honam Mathematical Journal 30:115-118
38- Hedayatian K, Faghih-Ahmadi M (2007) Evaluation of certain definite integrals involving trigonometric functions Int.J.Contemp.Math.Sciences 2:1359-1365
39- Hedayatian K, Khani Robati B (2007) Some Properties of Invariant Subspaces in Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions Honam Mathematical Journal 29:523-533
40- Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K (2006) Limit points of trigonometric sequences Journal of Mathematical Extension 1:21-26
41- Ansari M, Hedayatian K, Khani Robati B (1396) Supercyclicity of l^-Spherical and Toral Isometries on Banach Spaces Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 32:653-659
42- Ansari M, Hedayatian K, Khani Robati B, Moradi A (1394) Supercyclicity of Joint Isometries Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society. 52:1481-1487
43- Hedayatian K (0) A Generalized Integration by Parts :-

مقالات و خلاصه مقالات ارائه شده در همايش ها
1-Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K “Powers of A(m,p)-expansive and A(m,p)-contractive operators ” The 3th Seminar on Operator Theory and its Applications (2017)
2-Moradi A, Hedayatian K, Khani Robati B “A non-weak supercyclicity criterion on Banach spaces ” The 3th Seminar on Operator Theory and its Applications (2017)
3-Ansari M, Hedayatian K, Khani Robati B, Moradi A ” HYPERCYCLICITY, TRANSITIVITY AND DENSITY OF SETS OF OPERATORS ” The 2nd Seminar on Operator Theory and its Applications (2015)
4-Faghih-Ahmadi M, Karimi L, Hedayatian K “Concave operators and their hypercyclicity ” دومين سمينار نظريه عملگرها و کاربردهاي آن (2015)
5-Hedayatian K, Salehi M “A characterization of m-selfadjoint operators ” پنجا همين کنفرانس رياضي ايران (1398)
6-Hedayatian K, Salehi M “m-selfadjoint elementary operators ” پنجمين سمينار نظريه عملگرها و کاربردهاي آن (1398)
7-Mohammadi Moghaddam A, Hedayatian K “A basic theorem for proper spherical $m$-isometries ” پنجمين سمينار اناليز تابعي و کاربردهاي ان (1396)
8-Mohammadi Moghaddam A, Hedayatian K “Power regularity of d-tuple of operators ” پنجمين سمينار اناليز تابعي و کاربردهاي ان (1396)
9-Faghih-Ahmadi M, Hedayatian K, Yarmahmoodi S “N-supercyclicity of an (m,p)-isometry plus a nilpotent operator ” چهارمين سمينار آناليز تابعي و کاربردهاي آن (1394)
10-Moradi A, Khani Robati B, Hedayatian K “Strict transitivity and hypercyclicity of subsets of operators ” يازدهمين سمينار معادلات ديفرانسيل و سيستمهاي ديناميکي (1393)
11-Moradi A, Hedayatian K, Khani Robati B “rank one perturbations ” يازدهمين سمينار معادلات ديفرانسيل و سيستمهاي ديناميکي (1393)

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